Game Giant 620 Arcade Game

Here it is…….Our all new Game Giant 620 Arcade Multi-Game…..! This stand alone arcade game offers 620 different classic arcade games from the 80’s and 90’s including such titles as: MARVEL VS CAPCOM, STREET FIGHTER, MEGA MAN, GHOSTBUSTERS, SUPERMAN, DEFENDER, COBRA COMMAND, TETRIS, MISSILE COMMAND, TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES, MARIO BROS, GALAGA, SPACE INVADERS DX, THE SIMPSONS, & ASTEROIDS just to name a few. With a new sleek modern cabinet design, this game cabinet includes a 32? HD LCD monitor, Two full sets of controls & trackball, and many different options to customize the machine any way you like. The BEST part………this one is set up for Free Play.



CALL TODAY (631) 778-6861
